Monday, April 20, 2009

To do List; Accomplished!

This weekend was a very successful weekend for the Johnson family. I had several things last week that I was wanting to get done and we did.
1. Plant seeds and plants.
2. Weed the back yard flower beds.
3. Transplant my geranium into a larger pot.
4. Replant the caladium bulbs.
I can't wait to see it all come up and bloom. I planted Dahlia plants this year for the first time. I am anxiously awaiting.
We also went to church last night for the viewing of Fireproof. It really leaves you thinking and evaluating your life. Not only your marriage but how you treat others. I recommend this movie to everyone. It even made an impression on my kids about how they treat parents and friends. I loved it. It never hurts to work on your marriage no matter the condition.

1 comment:

Cindy's Cache said...

Oh to be able to mark off a To Do list! My inbox is always full! Could be because I tend to be distracted easily!