I must now interrupt the timeline I was on to catch up with my blog to make a very important announcement ! Parker got
married Wednesday, May 18th! Oh yes, I know. Quite shocking news, huh. I myself admit that I was shocked to find out on Tuesday night at 11 pm. Not enough time to plan or to prepare myself for the stories to follow.
After we got back home from the boy's baseball game, he asked me if we can locate a wedding ring and ring box. Being the super resourceful mom and in my tired stupor I searched (at 11 pm) for the said items. I decided it was easier to go along with the whole wedding plan as opposed to fighting at this hour. After a quick search of my jewelry box and vanity I found the items that would satisfy my son and hopefully his bride to be.
I will share some of the details of the eventful day. A girl from Parker's class was the minister/wedding planner. The traditional wedding march was substituted with the Spongebob Squarepants theme song. This will be an event to remember for a lifetime. What will it be next? Stay tuned. I'm sure there will be many more stories to come!