I wish I could start this by saying we watched the snow pile up from the warmth of our living room. I also wish now that I would have had time to take lots of pictures of our experience on Christmas Eve , but I can't ! We had an experience that is truly unforgettable, just wish I had the pictures for when my memory fades! (haha) Anyway, we did have a most blessed Christmas Holiday with family and we are truly blessed to have made it to our destination that day unharmed. (and before dark) I say all of this now laughing and grinning but that day there wasn't much to smile about. This is how the day unfolded.
On Christmas Eve morning we left home at about 7:30 am. We headed out early thinking that we would be leaving early enough to miss the snow storm that was moving into Oklahoma. Little did we know that it was also moving in to Tx. We were just sure that as we drove south we would be getting into better weather. When we reached Mtn. View at about 8:25 am., I knew that the drive ahead was going to be a long one. It normally only takes about 30 minutes to get to Mom and Dad's house. When we left there, again we thought that we would get out of the heavy snow. I am not sure what time it was when finally reached the Love's gas station on the north side of Lawton but it wasn't soon enough. The kids were already going crazy and starting to fight. I knew I couldn't stand it much longer in the white out conditions much longer without cleaning the windshield and taking a break. We all cleaned our windows and headed out again. The next time we stopped was at the McDonald's on the turnpike south of Lawton. When we stopped here is was blowing ice pellets. It wasn't snow anymore but the road conditions continued to dwindle all day long. The kids were totally oblivious to the conditions. The turnpike was down to two lanes from four, unless you were the idiots driving crazy in the 2 ft of snow covering the second lane. And believe me when I say that they do exist out there. We saw so many crazy people out there driving way too fast. Sad thing is that most of them ended up in the ditch or in the wrong lane.
As we got closer to Burkburnett, I was about to die. I kept thinking this has to get better. Nope, it didn't. Just as we entered into Tx. at the edge of Burkbunett, the road was blocked by police officials having us to detour off of the highway to avoid the overpasses that were covered in 4 ft. snow drifts. After that we were able to get back on the highway and continue on to Wichita Falls. At this point I am thinking to myself, this is the most snow we have seen all day. How are we ever going to make it. There were times I wondered if we would make it. But as Chris would remind me like Dori on Finding Nemo "just keep swimming." He was very encouraging that day from the walkie talkie in the car behind me!! Thank the Lord for him and my mother!! I don't think I could have made it without them.
At Wichita Falls, Chris asked me to please pull over at the Wal-Mart so we could use the restroom and scrape the windows. It was snowing so hard and heavy that I couldn't even see the sign to exit. I know that sounds unbelievable but it is the honest truth. I never even saw the sign in order to exit. I did eventually just pick one exit and got off. It happened to be at a gas station! We were able to take a break here and clean our windows again. We headed on to Decatur, Tx. ( Dec-a-tur , that's for you BP, LOL) Highway 287 from Wichita Falls to Decatur, Tx. were the absolute worst of the whole trip. It was absolutely miserable. There were times when we were just idling. The snow was so heavy around Bowie that I couldn't even see Chris behind me or my dad it front of me. That was truly scary time. I have never been in conditions like this. So much snow falling and falling so heavy and fast. I thought for sure now that I wasn't going to make it. I wanted to crawl up in the seat and cry. But I didn't!! Yeah for me. I was a big girl. Aren't you all so proud of me!! I am. :)
We finally made it to Grapevine, Tx. that evening about 5:30 pm. A total of 10 HOURS for a trip that should take about 4 hours. I was so happy to finally make it. Thank you God for the safe trip!