My flower beds are overflowing with blooms right now. One of my favorite is the Balloon Flower. (not sure that is the real name) It is going crazy. Until we moved here a couple years ago, I had never seen a flower like this one. I just love how it starts and then when it blooms it is so cool. The flower starts out like a little balloon full of air. If you squeeze it you can tell it has air in it. At first when they started blooming we thought what a weird flower then when it bloomed I realized that it was so cool.
This picture is right before it blooms. The plant is just full of these before any of them bloom. It looks really cool. The flowers are really pretty when they bloom.

This is after the flower blooms.
My daisies are also in full bloom. Daisies are one of my very favorite flowers. I had them in my wedding flowers. So when I look at them it takes me back.

Another cool flower I must share is the wishbone flower. It is unique. Each flower has a wishbone inside. This is the first time I have grown this flower. I found it at our local greenhouse, Dean's. He always has really healthy plants. I have this one in a hanging basket just out my front door to the north. It seems to love it there. It is really growing.

I feel like I've gone crazy with all the pictures but I just love my flowers and want to share the joy they give me!