Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all. It has been a crazy month for me. Life at the Johnson household has been super busy. Both of the kids have had birthdays and preparing for Christmas has really monopolized my time, and as a new blogger I forgot that I had this to do for awhile. Guess that just happens. I hope everyone had a great day and took the time to remember the Reason for the Christmas season.

We have had family in for the holidays. Chris' mother and step-dad have traveled up from Texas to spend Christmas together. The kids were excited for today. They could hardly stand to wait. Waiting and anticipation is just part of the fun for me. I always try to talk Chris into opening up just one present early, but as always we had to wait til Christmas morning. He surprised me this year with a new laptop. When I started blogging I told him that I thought it would be so much easier to blog from the living room. He told me several times that I was crazy if I thought I was getting one. Chris is always so good at surprises. I am so thankful that God put him in my life. Every Christmas he pulls a fast one on me. We say every year we aren't exchanging gifts. It has become a tradition that we say that and do the opposite. I am so excited that I had to blog right away. He spent all morning getting the wireless router hooked up.

We have truly been blessed this year. As I spend time at home with the kids and catch up on the news I see that so many people out there are having a hard time this Christmas. So many people losing their jobs and the trouble with the economy. Chris and I talked about it the other night and feel that we are so lucky to have a job and still have our home this Christmas. God has given us so much so we need to stop and reflect on what we can give to him. As the new year rolls around again so quickly, I think and wonder what the next will bring.

And since I missed blogging about Thanksgiving I will say now that I am so thankful for Jesus, first and foremost, my family, children, friends, and church family. I have so many things that I am so thankful for. I can't count the number of blessing given to me this year.