All this talking about deer hunting made me go back through all my old photos and pull out some of my favorite shots of Parker and Chris's deer hunting adventures.The first picture was taken on December 4th, 2004. This is Parker's very first time to go hunting with Chris. He just couldn't wait. Chris ended up carrying him most of the way. Just the beginning of their time hunting together. It really makes me sad to look back and reminisce. He was so little. Yet, he thought that he was so big. The second photo was shot October 4th, 2005. This was the first archery hunt for the two of them. and the last shot is from November 26, 2006. This picture
before dark one started moving in the distance. When Parker saw it, he said to Chris, please dad shot him. So Chris decided to keep him happy he would. This is the first deer that the two harvested together. Parker though that this was a monster buck. He was so excited. He wanted to have this one mounted. You know the old saying, Like father, like son. In this case it does apply. The two of them are definitely from the same mold. Hope you all have enjoyed these pictures from the past just as much as I did!