a little shopping in Clinton once the kids games were over though.
Sunday we had some fun time carving pumpkins. The kids had never done this before. They just couldn't understand where the pumpkin pie comes into the picture. After opening up the pumpkin to find all the strings and seeds they were grossed out. Neither one of them would stick their hands down in the pumpkin to clean it out. Although when I suggested throwing out all of the pulp and seeds Madison about cried. She's my drama queen deluxe.
Our pumpkins turned out really cute. The kids put candles in them and put them on the porch. Parker is hoping that people that trick-or-treat are scared by them. I tried gently to let him know that they weren't too scary but he still believes that they will be scared.
Madison and Parker are both really excited for Halloween. I myself dread it. Tons of candy, a costume, and walking from house to house in the cold. Halloween is my least favorite holiday. Parker is dressing up as Daniel Boone and Madi is going to be a princess. I'll be sure and post pictures of them on Halloween.